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This Is What Kindness Looks Like

The Wonder Years' own Kate Gilheaney was interviewed by Boots Health & Beauty Magazine for a piece called, "This Is What Kindness Looks Like", all about key workers and the jobs they continued to do despite the Covid -19 pandemic.

I've been looking after the children of front line staff. I discussed it with my daughters and we decided we were happy to take the risk. Some of my regular parents whose kids I can't look after now have have insisted on paying me anyway, which is so kind it made me cry! Twice a week I film myself reading a bedtime story and send it to their kids to keep that connection.
This much I know: The crisis has shown there are more good people than bad. I hope there's a change in pace too, as less stress has made people happier. And we'll always keep a stash of loo roll and pasta!
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